Our Baie-Johan-Beetz hydrothermal deposit

Generally, the ground slowly rises north from sea level, up to 180 m above sea level. The quartz veins of Johan Beetz can be observed rising from the St-Lawrence and are heading North-East all the way to road 138, for approximately 4 km. From the provincial road, a 800 meters path, which can easily be adapted to a paved road, leads to the property.
The area is sparsely vegetated with moss and lichens on some outcropping rocks, and small patches of spruces. Vegetation is more abundant and of a wider variety going North. The mining titles owned by PAL correspond to the past mining lease BM 794 and have a surface of 54.22 hectares (542 200 m2).

In 2019, the Fraser Institute ranked Quebec Mining market as the 4th most attractive area in the world for mining investment.
Our Baie-Johan-Beetz hydrothermal deposit in video
4 key advantages of Baie-Johan-Beetz deposit.
01. Location Opportunity
- 15km east of the village Baie-Johan-Beetz
- Deposit is less than 800 meters from main provincial road (route 138)
- 69 km from town of Havre-St-Pierre and its airport
- Several deepwater seaport options within 69 km
02. Easy Operation
- Open pit operation
- Scarce surface vegetation
- Available local man power
03. Business Opportunity
- Advantageous governmental policies due to surface deposit type operation
- Possible support from local and state governments
- Social acceptability from local First Nation and Baie-Johan-Beetz community
04. Sustainable Footprint
- Potentially low carbon footprint final product depending on operation
- HPQ is a critical mineral for the solar panel industry and in various other climate change fighting technologies

Johan Beetz area geology consists of quartzite, gabbro and granitic gneiss along Watshishou Hill. Costabelle regional fault is the main structural feature of the area running roughly to the North North-East from the St-Lawrence. Costabelle fault was flushed with hydrothermal fluids producing the milky quartz. Pegmatite dykes brecciated the Costabelle fault area.
Prospections campaigns of four (4) km of the fault, from the St-Lawrence, identified ten bodies of milky quartz. Grenville Province, on which Johan Beetz quartz deposits are found, also hosts many known quartz deposits. These deposits, as the Baskatong milky quartz, the St-Donat-de-Montcalm and Charlevoix quartzite ore bodies are used for Si-metal purposes.